Each of these religions provides a framework on how to grow your brand and connect with your consumer. While some of these religions preach brand love, others reject the concept of loyalty. There is no one framework fits all, which is proven by the diffusion of successful brands throughout all three religions (or even four if you include the Kotlerian Classic Religion). But what about branding and marketing to the youngest generations? Does brand love (and loyalty) (still) exist amongst today’s youth?
Generation Z as well as their Millennial counterparts are a key audience for many brands. It is a financially wealthy generation, which, besides spending its own resources, has a major decision in what is purchased within the household.
When thinking of youth marketing, the notion of influencer marketing interchangeably comes to mind. Should brands follow an Influencer Religion strategy to appeal to the next generations? We asked 26 senior marketing executives for their view on marketing and branding towards the youngest generation.