Laura Hunt

Laura Hunt

Senior Business Director

 [email protected]

Manchester office

51 Lever Street

M11FN Manchester

United Kingdom

My latest blog posts

Female doctor empathy

Breaking down the barriers between tech and healthcare

Written by Laura Hunt

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a buzz word that is rapidly becoming part of everyday dialogue; but what does it mean for putting people first, enhancing the impact of human insights and shaping daily life?

2022 Trends in Health & Well-being

2022 Trends in Health & Well-being

Written by Laura Hunt / Victoria Mottershead

We are all living in a world where health and well-being agendas became a priority against the backdrop of a global pandemic. The million-dollar question for brands is, of course, how to respond to this changing landscape. Let’s dive into three trends that are shaping health and well-being!

Human experiences at the heart of healthcare

Written by Laura Hunt / Sarah Van Oerle

Together with Philips Healthcare, we designed a truly human-centric piece of research, adopting a holistic approach towards understanding people’s healthcare experiences. Read on to discover the key learnings from this collaboration.