Niels Schillewaert

Niels Schillewaert

Managing Partner

 [email protected]


Rotterdam office

Watermanweg 40-42

3067 GG Rotterdam

The Netherlands

My latest blog posts

7 tricks for cracking trackers

Written by Niels Schillewaert / Katia Pallini

Brand trackers are among the most static, repetitive, and unidimensional research solutions. While they provide a finger on the pulse, they often lead to frustrations amongst their users. Read here how you can turn the tide and make brand trackers future-proof.

6 principles of persuasive marketing: how to influence people

Written by Niels Schillewaert

Today, consumers function as a brand’s amplifiers, which is why brands should actively invest in creating contagious content. Or as Jonah Berger puts it, conversation content should be STEPPS, a six-letter acronym for more persuasive marketing.

Designing the right brand tracker for your ‘Brand Religion’

Designing the right brand tracker for your ‘Brand Religion’

Written by Anita Peerdeman / Niels Schillewaert

Brand trackers serve as an ongoing finger on the pulse, gaining insights into the extent to which a brand is…