3 out of 4 travelers book a separate flight
More than half of the Belgian travelers book their stay and flight separately. 3 out of 4 travelers that book their flight separately, does this online. If they book a stay separately, it is often also booked online. Travel packages (flight + stay) are booked more offline. Travelers like booking online because they can book at all times, it’s less time consuming, well organized and easy. 77% of all travelers look up their holiday destination on the internet. They read testimonials of other travelers and practical information.
Dutch travelers book more online than Belgian travelers. “This is a general trend”, says Magali Geens, Research Director at InSites Consulting. “Dutch travelers have more experience with online purchasing. 65% of all Dutch surfers have already bought something online. They have more trust in e-commerce, and trust if of course something very important when booking your holiday.” These results are part of the research project, conducted in Belgium and in the Netherlands, in collaboration with Living Tomorrow.
For more information on travel research projects, contact Magali Geens ([email protected], +32 9 269 16 04).