Rock Werchter: Why it is cool
Rock Werchter is almost sold-out, the festival venue has just opened already one of it’s campsites and like every year loads of youngsters will again travel to Werchter to enjoy a lot of music and the festival ambiance. Many brands will be present at Rock Werchter as well. Last year Studio Brussel (Belgian national radio) and InSites Consulting aimed to find out what is cool and not cool at festivals and wanted to find out why. That is why we invited some 50 festivalgoers at Rock Werchter from different age categories to take pictures for 4 days of everything that stood out as being ‘cool’ or ‘uncool’. In total this resulted in over 1,200 pictures, made by and commented upon by themselves, which were then analysed. Read all about our RW-study at our HCBSH-blog!