Fringe report: Is Market Research really a career?
What is the image of the market research industry amongst young graduates? What makes them tick? Is our industry considered to be a successful career path? Tonight, the results of a global quantitative study by Fringe Factory will be launched at the 2013 BAQMaR Conference. Discover how you can win the quest for talent by increasing the appeal of our industry.
In order to understand the perception young graduates have of market research, Fringe Factory set up a quantitative study together with InSites Consulting, SSI and ESOMAR Next. Together, we interviewed over 1,800 graduates across 9 countries to understand and assess how attractive market research is as a profession. Fringe Factory was set up in 2011 by a small group of young researchers who work passionately across the world in the market research industry.
How bad is it?
Pretty bad. Graduates don’t even consider MR as a career option! Market research is not in the top 10 of industries people would like to work in; only 13% of the young graduates across the world would even consider it. In addition to awareness, there also is a problem with the industry’s image. There is a low identification with MR, it is considered as being boring, one-dimensional and lacking in impact.
The good news?
New-generation MR is providing huge opportunities to change this! What’s boring about the social media and digital tools we apply? The industry is increasingly in need for a variety of profiles, including creatives like myself. With the emphasis on engaging internal stakeholders, participants and clients, MR is about people, not about being stuck behind a desk. And last but not least, if we open up and share the MR stories behind the products and brands people love, we can show the impact of research on their daily lives.
What now?
The Fringe Factory report highlights five eye-catching insights and four recommendations to make a change as an industry. Find the full report below and please, do share it, we are in this together!