
Gen Z x Brands [US infographic]

Gen Z is an activist generation which translates into their expectations towards brands. But what exactly do they want from brands? Is a focus on sustainability enough to satisfy this woke generation, or do they expect more?

The following infographic – using data from proprietary quantitative research with 1,072 consumers (Gen Z, Gen Y, Gen X, BB) in the US – highlights what this generation expect from brands.
Gen Z x Brands Infographic US

Infographic summary

Gen Z is an activistic generation, and they expect the same from brands, with 43% of them wanting brands to challenge social issues. To make their voices heard, US Gen Zers vote with their wallet: they are willing to pay more for brands that treat employees and suppliers fairly (69%), try to have a positive impact on society (66%), use inclusive practices (61%), and run their business sustainably (60%). Growing up against the backdrop of social upheaval, this generation is all about empowering the female and black community. In fact, they are willing to pay more for brands that are female-led (41%) or black-owned (42%). Sustainability is also high on their agenda. 38% believe that brands that don’t communicate about sustainability are not sustainable, showing this generation’s call for radical transparency. 34% even refuse to buy from non-sustainable brands.

Gen Z’s expectations towards brands go beyond sustainability efforts. When considering a purchase, they pay attention to personalization & co-creation (50%) but realize this comes at a cost. As such, 44% are willing to pay for personalized experiences with their data.

Want to explore how your brand can connect with this woke consumer? Discover what our Gen Z research toolbox and expert power can do for your brand!

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Ready for the Zoomers?

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